SharePoint: Should we prioritize the classic or modern version?

Alexandre Lafrenière

Do you think you can do it with SharePoint? Excellent! Are you already familiar with this system in your company? Even better!

Each of you is at a different stage in SharePoint. For some, you have never used it while for others, you have some experience here and there. When one is not an expert in a field, it can be difficult to make a decision.

When making the decision to have SharePoint, there are several questions to ask oneself as to the choice of the structure. It will have to be the most faithful and the most adapted to our company. Among these choices, there is the style that will take our SharePoint: the classic version or the modern.

In this article, we will present 5 major differences between the two versions that will encourage you to go for the modern version. It is hoped that these 5 aspects will allow you to make a better decision when it comes time to share it with your IT specialist.

1. The modern version is easier to use

Some classic pages were rather easy to design. On the other hand, some pages used XLS knowledge to design pages. Thus, the classic version could have some problems operating the team pages, a problem that we do not meet with the modern version: we do not need to have the same level of knowledge to make a page design unlike the classic version.

2. The speed

A major difference on the modern and classic version is the speed of the pages. By creating a ”team site” or a ”site communication”, it becomes their own ”site collection” rather than ”subsites”. We reduce the intermediaries and thus, the pages become faster.

3. Much safer

In addition, companies that use the classic version are able to open all JavaScript while the modern version will be more “attentive” to what you are trying to start. Thus, it strengthens security a little more compared to the classic version.

4. Mobile compatibility

 Many of us use our mobile devices for contexts other than personal ones. We all come to a time when we want to consult a document before a meeting or to publish something at the last minute. The classic version did not offer optimal rendering on mobile devices when you wanted to see something on SharePoint. With the modern version, your pages adapt.

We cannot say that it’s easy to open the tabs on the left page. (Both screenshots are Google Chrome pages that simulate a mobile version of the page)

5. New version to leave another?

It is true that Microsoft has not announced the end of the classic version on their platform. However, when a company puts so much time, effort and money on a version (which pleases a lot of customers) it is not to preserve what we did at the beginning of 2000 ad vitam. Yes, the classic version allowed advanced customization (particularly the master page) that we do not necessarily find in the modern version. This applies especially for companies that really need to customize. Chances are the classic version is in place until 2026. Why? Because InfoPath (a tool that only works with the classic version and not the modern version) will be maintained until 2026 [1]. So, we leave a transition period for multiple companies, which are rooted in the classic version, to make a transition toward the modern version


Which version should I prioritize if I never use SharePoint?

We will never say it enough: the version to be prioritized is the one that must correspond best to what you do as a company and what you want to do. For many specialists, it is easier to trust the modern version because it is more ”user-friendly” and it is easier to immerse yourself in the SharePoint. Customization is not so much so as with the classic version and therefore, we lose less time on the selection of fonts, colors or style for the SharePoint layout. Whether for navigation or page creation, the ease with which you use the modern version is a non-negotiable point. It’s hard enough to immerse people who are not comfortable with technology. We must not close the barriers but open them. For our part, at LS2, we recommend using the modern version.

Is it possible to have features of the classic version if I take modern SharePoint (or vice versa)?

Whether classic or modern, both have advantages as well as disadvantages. It is possible to have some pages with the classic version and others with the modern version. We must not forget that we must think about the people who will use SharePoint on a regular basis. Switching from one version to another can be confusing. It is better to have some consistency to simplify the task.

In short, what do we do ?

There is not one version better than the other but it is clear that Microsoft’s tangent is to go to their modern version: most updates of their 2019 On-premises version are inspired by features that the modern version puts forth. At LS2, we are always a step ahead and we will always take the initiative to do what it takes to compete. We want to offer you a preview of the different changes in this area. Our expertise allows us to master both types of appearances. It is true that Microsoft is trying to keep the classic version’ features for those who really need it and they are not quite ready to bury the hatchet. The classic version still has its place and we are ready to offer it to you. We know (and are confident) that the presentation of the modern version as made in this article will have convinced you of the type of version you want to take.

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